Thursday, October 8, 2009

Let's Blog!

hey! crazzie ching is here~ share something wif u'll.. one of my nicknames.. ~LAM-LAM~ created by Si Kala Alasan(ah pa) and Si MiaoMiao(SS miao) haha.. actually, I kinda bad mood today.. did u all ever heard anybody need to go party till 2days? weird rite? haizz... thats my bro la.. celaka mia budak... ask money from my dad again.. RM50.. wad man..! our family ad got financial prob, yet still ask so much money from my dad.. hmm.. pek chek man! ish..
did he reali care about..? I think nope.. he juz wana do wad he lyk datz all.. dowan to study.. ponteng sch.. hang out wih dose USELESS frenz..!! grrr!! dowan to find job.. everyday juz knw how to slp.. smoke.. eat.. ask $$.. wad he knw sumore..? hmm.. dono him la.. and my dad oso lebih kurang sama.. haiz.. dowan to talk bout dem ad..

let's talk about sumthing that can cheer me up~!! ^^
Karen, gua mia ah pa..~ siao kia! really sot plug man today.. sot till cannot sot d.. like a baby ni instead of a grandpa.. bring red colour school bag.. sumore so manja... keep laughing for no reason.. ppl talk secret, she laugh... she eat, she laugh.. we reading storybook, she oso laugh.. ask her to on9, dia pun ketawa.. haiz! super duper muper wuper SOT plug today... maybe her brain got too much AddMaths stuffs d.. wakakaz..

kkz la.. wana go baca my storybooks ad.. haha.. wana beat Si MiaoMiao.. kita tengok siapa habis baca 3 buku dulu huh... XD

Crazzie ching gotta go to my lam lam land liao... tata! haha

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