Saturday, October 17, 2009

Happy Day, Yeah!

yeah.. today got work.. haha.. I wear the new uniform d.. but one thing that make me angry is the bus.. hmm... what man.. all the bus driver are damn lazy to turn into my taman.. celaka! luckily my cousin sis and I didnt late today.. haha... and luckily the manager who panas baran didnt come today.. fuyohh! haha.. do things quite slow today... my muscle is pain yea I need to run here and there.. what to do? runner is like that one maa...
and I oso got my name tag today... ^^ so fun oso coz today I get to learn how to work at the counter... quite hard to und le... =o= yeah! out turn to break.. we ate spicy deluxe.. wu~ yummy! haha! wakakaz.. when we eating, one of the manager told us bout his family stuffs... what laa... I like the manager so much! ^^ he always like to joke with us and he will help us when we face probs.. haha! another manager... he is so kecoh and so sengih...
haha.... actually he very good de, its just that I like to say he kecoh and sengih.... y? because when ppl are serving the customers, he will suddenly stand beside ppl and sing those nonsense songs... my gosh! oh yeah... sengih is one of the malay words rite.. but why they no heard of it before??? when I say the manager sengih just now, they tot I scold bad words... omg man... haiz.. so swt! then the manager wanna pour the chilli sauce on my hair... haha.. funny man!

kkz laa... I feel very very tired d.. wanna go bathe then slp... still need to work tmr!
nite nite~

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