Saturday, October 17, 2009

Happy Day, Yeah!

yeah.. today got work.. haha.. I wear the new uniform d.. but one thing that make me angry is the bus.. hmm... what man.. all the bus driver are damn lazy to turn into my taman.. celaka! luckily my cousin sis and I didnt late today.. haha... and luckily the manager who panas baran didnt come today.. fuyohh! haha.. do things quite slow today... my muscle is pain yea I need to run here and there.. what to do? runner is like that one maa...
and I oso got my name tag today... ^^ so fun oso coz today I get to learn how to work at the counter... quite hard to und le... =o= yeah! out turn to break.. we ate spicy deluxe.. wu~ yummy! haha! wakakaz.. when we eating, one of the manager told us bout his family stuffs... what laa... I like the manager so much! ^^ he always like to joke with us and he will help us when we face probs.. haha! another manager... he is so kecoh and so sengih...
haha.... actually he very good de, its just that I like to say he kecoh and sengih.... y? because when ppl are serving the customers, he will suddenly stand beside ppl and sing those nonsense songs... my gosh! oh yeah... sengih is one of the malay words rite.. but why they no heard of it before??? when I say the manager sengih just now, they tot I scold bad words... omg man... haiz.. so swt! then the manager wanna pour the chilli sauce on my hair... haha.. funny man!

kkz laa... I feel very very tired d.. wanna go bathe then slp... still need to work tmr!
nite nite~

Friday, October 16, 2009


I feel so so so tired today.. after coming back from CC, rowy, liz and I rush back home and change to tkd shirt.. then rush back to school.. haiyo.. the weather so damn HOT.. hmm.. my mood not that good today.. going to e-m-o soon.. I work because of my family.. I knw is very hard for me to ask money from them so my aunt recommend a job for me.. ok.. fine.. I work.. but what I get le? nothing.. I know they will worry bout me but for me.. I am finally free.. FREEDOM~!!
it's like I can run out from the house to do something or maybe experiencing something I like.. on the beginning, I will feel tired.. but I feel so damn Happy! although the workers are all malay.. but they are so funny, crazy, helpful, friendly, polite and they like to joke with me.. but one I come back from work, my god... I cant even have a good rest.. my grandma kep scolding me until I go to bed..

the next day I wake up, she will continue till I go to work.. hmm.. what man.. but the worst thing is after I get my salary, I cant even get to use it.. Is all for my family.. Fine lo.. nvm.. at least I help out a bit.. but how they treat me especially my grandma.. she say I willing to treat my cousin sis oso duwan to treat my own family.. she say my bro dont have $$ I oso duwan to give him some.. but did she ever think before how my bro treat me???
OMG! she can say I foolish sumore because I pay everything for my cousin sis and she only know how to keep her money.. Wad the.. hmm.. pls man.. can't they think on the other way..???

Talk about TKD today.. haha.. master say i still a junior.. hmm.. so hurt.. because i can't point out marion's mistake.. sob sob! Nvm la.. learn from mistake.. one of my frens said 'dont be afraid to make mistakes.. if you do make one, thats always a lessont o be learned.. and you will get the benefits on it..' yeah.. i learned it~ haha!
yerr! master taught us jumping front, turning, side and back kicks today.. yuhoo~ master say ~~liz~~ and **mine** jumping turning very good... wakakaz.. he praise 2 of us only wor.. wah wah WAH! a LOT ss d now... ^^ ~~liz~~ sure more SS than me... (msg from elise - so not true!! =o=) nahhh...

I dont think my jumping turning is that good cause I damn angry with sumone else so I throw all to the kicking pad...haha! mana tau my leg become hong hong ad.. adui~! then when come back to jumping back lei.. gosh! I hurt my neck... wakakaz... nvm la.. minor injury(elise's msg - cheh!! who worried? prasan say nvm... XD)...
this make me think of demo... oh yeah.. I quit demo is oso because of my family.. wanna work, so cant go demo... shit man! haiz! forget bout it laa... two of my frens did sumthing that make me feel very lebey today... wasting my time.. luckily got 'Seventeen' accompany me.. or else.. I dunnoe what can I do.. haha.. kkz laa!

wanna go to bed d.. need to work tmr.. hehe..
nite nite...

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Friday, 9th October

yuhoo~ Crazzie Ching is here again.. wakakaz.. today.. friday.. omg.. the whole day.. Taekwondo.. wakakaz.. yeah! I went to settle finish the koku marks then I go back to oink oink a while.. haha! I went back to school at about 1pm.. hmphs! mana tau I forgot to bring the tkd~ shirt so karen asked me to go back take... what laa.. hmm.. of coz laa I keep saying duwan.. XD finally she said 'GO~ I wanna see the shirt at 2pm..' nahh.. of coz laa I wont go back straight.. I wanna go mam mam first~!!
hehe.. woo! yummy~! wakakaz.. me and si siao kia(mau mau) went back to my house at bout 1.30pm.. hmm.. tiring siot! so hot sumore just after eat lei.. =o= lazy wanna walk.. haha.. half way walking, saw karen riding motor.. sot one d lo the fler.. ride half way then nearly wanna go bang's ppl's house wall.. siao! after we took the shirt then my turn to cycle this time.. si siao kia walk.. not even 1min then she asked me to fetch her d.. what la... another nickname for you.. Si Malas(msg from elise - totally NOT true! I wasnt lazy... just too tired and full to walk... and duhh! it's buuurning out there... XDD) wakakaz.. while cycling back to school, I rang her bell and say 'tkd shirt.. tkd shirt.. siapa nak beli?? satu helai RM12' haha! then I keep kena sepak from her.. hehe.. kinda fun lei~!! sot plug man.. start reading my storybook once I reached the hall.. =)) karen came at bout nearly 2pm!

disappointed with the hall man.. we prac only use half of it.. ishhh!! wanna fight with teacher man coz of this... haih! tengok la karen ni.. keep asking ppl to dedicate.. *good business woman huh??* ok lo... dedicated to me AAAA family, Si Siao Kia, Ah Pa and Pei Qi.. haha... all cost RM21 lei.... huhuhuh~ nvm baa! today tkd quite fun.. not that tiring.. XDD coz we just need to practice pattern and step-sparring...!! hmm... I forgot some of the junior patten but overall okayy lo.. phewww! but step-sparring I really forgot a lot lei.. the worst thingy is my hand very pain.. especially with karen.. hit so hard.. what to do? 'Proper Practice makes Perfecto~!!' this is what master always like to say.. hehe! after tkd, went AJ to mam mam again.. *duhh! like always... XD* woo~ my stomach very hungry.. I ordered maggi soup and milo ice.. thats all... but this karen arr! aiyoyoyoyo~ ordered so much.. =o=
her order - chicken burger, another fish burger(grinders?), ice tea.. sioa man! haiyoo... after I get my yummy wummy food, I asked whether she wan not.. actually no need to ask rite? she sure say 'I wan..' XD then she took one small fries from pq and you noe what she did? OMG! she put the fires on the centre of my maggi.. super damn sot plug today man... haih! cannot tahan... after that she oso wan to eat maggi.. sampat betul! when the girl serve the food for her, she oso feel shocked that karen eat so so so much~!!! sumore can say is pq de.. wakakaz! when I see she eat oso scared.. suddenly she said 'I think I still got fried chicken at home...' O.O meletup la lu.... kaboom~!!!
all of her fOOd cost RM8.50 lei... haih... she likes eating maa, oso eat till so much.. =) cycling home time, she asked if we got chance to choose a car that we like, which will we choose... I say dunnoe while liz say see lo.. coz she not sure got what type of car oso... XD when I asked her, she said 'me arr... see lo.. but I duwan myvi.. coz too many ppl bought myvi.. drive where oso sure got myvi de... I wan sumthing different!' haiyo! can pause sumore when answer me... like an old man who has the attitude of a kiddy!
kkz~ this is what Crazzie Ching wanna share with you all~ gtg liao.. gotta get up early tmr... need to work oso... peace!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Let's Blog!

hey! crazzie ching is here~ share something wif u'll.. one of my nicknames.. ~LAM-LAM~ created by Si Kala Alasan(ah pa) and Si MiaoMiao(SS miao) haha.. actually, I kinda bad mood today.. did u all ever heard anybody need to go party till 2days? weird rite? haizz... thats my bro la.. celaka mia budak... ask money from my dad again.. RM50.. wad man..! our family ad got financial prob, yet still ask so much money from my dad.. hmm.. pek chek man! ish..
did he reali care about..? I think nope.. he juz wana do wad he lyk datz all.. dowan to study.. ponteng sch.. hang out wih dose USELESS frenz..!! grrr!! dowan to find job.. everyday juz knw how to slp.. smoke.. eat.. ask $$.. wad he knw sumore..? hmm.. dono him la.. and my dad oso lebih kurang sama.. haiz.. dowan to talk bout dem ad..

let's talk about sumthing that can cheer me up~!! ^^
Karen, gua mia ah pa..~ siao kia! really sot plug man today.. sot till cannot sot d.. like a baby ni instead of a grandpa.. bring red colour school bag.. sumore so manja... keep laughing for no reason.. ppl talk secret, she laugh... she eat, she laugh.. we reading storybook, she oso laugh.. ask her to on9, dia pun ketawa.. haiz! super duper muper wuper SOT plug today... maybe her brain got too much AddMaths stuffs d.. wakakaz..

kkz la.. wana go baca my storybooks ad.. haha.. wana beat Si MiaoMiao.. kita tengok siapa habis baca 3 buku dulu huh... XD

Crazzie ching gotta go to my lam lam land liao... tata! haha